For the first time,I am posting an audio studded post here for my readers.There are obviously three reasons for it.In fact,three persons to say it clearly.First reason is Annamacharya,the most revered Telugu saint,poet and composer.Though he was born in the 15 th century,he surpassed the magic of time with the utmost devotion towards Lord Venkateswara.I happened to listen this beautiful song of him when it confronted to me in the Facebook.The song or Sankirtana's title is Mayaa mohamu(second song in the album).In the first charanam, the poet expressed an ethereal concept in simple words."Entha Velugulaku anthe cheekati,Entha sampadaku antha aapada" that means The more brightness you have,the more darkness you are bound to have,the more riches you have,the more dangers to undergo.Of course,All the song is soothing with a mellifluous diction which is Annamayya's undisputed signature.
And the second reason is none other than its singer,Swapna.She is a well known TV Jounalist/Anchor across the Telugu world.She rendered the song in such a touching classicism although the fusion genre is its back bone.Her scintillating voice made every gamakam a treat for music lovers.By the way ,the song is a part of her recent album "Bhavayami".
The last and not the least reason is Kamalakar.He is the music composer of this album.He already composed music for several movies and renowned for melody of his own style.Kamalakar has chosen fusion music for this traditional song and justified to satisfy the both traditional and modern rasikas.I am sure you will like all the songs incorporated in the album.